There is a great need for uncompromising, biblical churches to be planted, especially here in Suffolk County. At Christ Covenant Church we have a kingdom-building vision for spreading the world-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want you to join us in this exciting work! Our Kingdom Vision Christians are people of the Book, but we ought to take care that Bible study does not become an end in itself. We don't fill our heads with Bible knowledge so we can shine in the classroom. This is not Trivial Pursuit! Rather, the study of Holy Scripture is an in order to pursuit...in order to grow in our faith; in order to increase in wisdom and knowledge; in order to become mature, no longer children; in order to better serve Christ and His Church; in order to see to it that another outpost of the Kingdom is established; in order to see the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of Christ; in order that the One True God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is worshiped and adored throughout the whole world. This is the Kingdom Vision, and that means thinking more like a medieval Christian than a modern one (that will take some explaining and we aim to do that in our studies together). It means that we take seriously the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to disciple the nations. The Apostles and those who followed them turned the Roman world upside down, and Christendom was established in Middle Earth. Modernism and her followers have, for the moment, derailed that project. Which simply means we have work to do. As we do the work of the Gospel, we will see more and more of these cultural features that marked Old Christendom (yes, imperfectly): ❦ The centrality of the Church as the prophetic voice in every area of life; the place where souls are cured; the home of families; the protector of widows and orphans, and much more. The church spire will once again be the center of every town and city. ❦ An unwavering confidence in the victory of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. All His enemies will be be defeated in time and on earth as He rules from His exalted throne in heaven. ❦ A love of beauty...of Almighty God, His creation, and the godly works of mankind (art, music, literature, and well-designed horse-less carriages). ❦ A devotion to thankful celebration: in Lord's Day worship, in joyful feasting, with much laughter and glad singing. ❦ A holy reverence for the majesty, holiness, and sovereignty of Almighty God. ❦ A biblically informed discernment of good and evil, right and wrong, applying the commands of Christ with wisdom. ❦ A growing self-responsibility and a fading of the unbiblical incursions of the state. ❦ A restoration of the Christian view of the family and children. ❦ A humble respect for ancient and godly traditions. ❦ A growing unity among Christians of different traditions. (HT to the Dougs...Jones and Wilson in Angels in the Architecture.) All Christians in every generation are soldiers of Christ, for we are at war against the world, the flesh, and the devil. But, in spite of this present snap-shot of history that looks so dismal, we ought to lift up our eyes in faith, and see that the victory of the cross is at work in every corner of the globe. |
If you are visiting for the first time, please watch the video below.Our Church Planter
Pastor Brian L. Penney, is a "local" of the East End. His family is from Eastport, and he has been a long-time resident of Hampton Bays. He and his wife, Dorie, have 4 sons, and 18 grandchildren. Pastor Brian has held pastorates in Virginia and New York, and most recently the pastor of Christ Covenant Church, Copiague, NY. An avid Bible student and teacher, he is thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to work as a church planter. His desire is to spread the Gospel, encourage Christians, and see new churches planted on the East End. |